These departments are also the primary organizational unit within the General Fund budget. Essential Departmental Functions: The Budget Office analyzes budget requests from County departments and presents a proposed budget annually to the County. We are required to adopt a new budget every. As of 2021, there were approximately 558 Triple Crown Award winners across the US and Canada. RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2022-23 Proposed Budget Readers’ Guide Organization Requested, Proposed and Final Budgets To effectively manage the delivery of services, County government is divided into departments. The annual budget is a funding plan that outlines where revenues will come from and how tax dollars will be spent. The Finance Department is very proud to announce that this is the 2nd year this award has been awarded to the City making Concord a triple Crown award recipient as well. The PAFR Award is meant to recognize government’s desire to report financial information from in a readily accessible and easily understandable way. Governments’ buying power is impacted just like consumers by rising prices and, factoring in those increased costs, the level of real investment in most major budgetary areas actually went down. The Government Finance Officers Association awarded the City's FY 2020-21 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award. Inflation isn’t just a pocketbook problem, it’s a budget problem as well. Budget Focus The Primary Fund, the Countys.

Department of Transportation is responsible for building and. When submitted in March, these budget requests are reviewed by the County Manager and the County Finance Director. Budgets and associated amendments are provided until the audit for the fiscal year is completed. With state appropriations of about 5 billion, the N.C. Receipt of the award for the FY 2022-23 budget marks the 22nd consecutive year the City has been awarded this recognition. North Carolina has a large and diverse transportation system consisting of all modes of transportation, including highways, rail, aviation, ferries, public transit and bicycle and pedestrian transportation. Only a small percentage of North Carolina municipalities received this award. The budget is 25.9 billion for this fiscal year and 27 billion for 2022-23, with a rainy-day balance of 4.25 billion by the end of 2023. This national award is the highest award in government budgeting, recognizing those cities that have prepared exemplary budgets that serve as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and a communications device. The Government Finance Officers Association awarded the City's FY 2022-23 budget the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.